Come attend a spring workshop presented by TCSS in cooperation with the Museum of Cherokee Indian, the East Tennessee Historical Society, and Indian Creek Productions, Inc.
Sponsored by BVI Currents of Change
Friday, March 24th 6-8pm & Saturday, March 25th 8am - Noon.
Venue: Jefferson County High School
115 W. Dumplin Valley Rd., Dandridge, TN 37725
$75 Registration (via Credit Cards, PayPal, and Checks) includes:
Friday Dinner and Program
Saturday Breakfast
Three Workshop Sessions
Admission to the Saturday's Spirit of Nations Powwow
Indian Taco Lunch on Saturday
Professional Development Certificate will be provided at the conclusion of the event.
Contact Mark Finchum for more information at

Agenda at a Glance
Friday Schedule
6 pm – Dinner
7 pm – Gadugi: Museum of the Cherokee Indian (Oral history, panel discussion, music, dance)
Saturday Schedule
8 am – Registration, coffee, pastries, introductions
8:30 am – Cherokee 101: Museum of the Cherokee Indian (Oral history, spirituality, clothing, traditional homes, misrepresentation in education)
9:30 am – Disruption: Museum of the Cherokee Indian (How the museum exhibits represent the past, present, and future Aniyvwiyv)
10:30 am – Incorporating Indigenous Voices: East Tennessee Historical Society (How to include Indigenous voices in the classroom)
11:30 am – Spirit of Nations Powwow: Attendees are dismissed to visit the Spirit of Nations Powwow being held at the school. The Grand Entry begins at noon. In addition to the dance competitions, attendees will be able to visit a tipi display, talk with traditional artisans, and participate in several activities. An Indian taco meal is included.